Download the MsTR 2024 Fact Sheet

The AAOS Musculoskeletal Tumor Registry (MsTR) is part of the AAOS family of registries, a program that aims to encompass all the musculoskeletal and anatomical areas for orthopaedics. The MsTR’s purpose is to provide a centralized record of patient, tumor, treatment, and outcomes data on musculoskeletal neoplasia in the pelvis, spine, and extremities. The data will allow for the investigation into the natural history of the disease, risk factors, quality and delivery of care, oncologic and reconstructive outcomes, prognosis, function, and patient quality-of-life.

The data presented in this report is derived from submissions to the MsTR collected from November 21, 2022, to August 1, 2024. During this period, 6 participating institutions submitted 1,914 Baseline procedure records. However, only 709 of these records are included in this report, as they contain provider-entered data required for analysis.